Our Foster Application Process
Background Check and TARA'S HOUSE Phone Call
A criminal (not traffic) background check is done and applicants will have a phone call with the TARA'S HOUSE foster coordinator. She will explain the program and answer any questions. She will cover information such as supplies and cost (all covered by TARA'S HOUSE), emergency care, spay/neutering, current resident pets, home environment, and vetting and marketing support for the dog.
A criminal (not traffic) background check is done and applicants will have a phone call with the TARA'S HOUSE foster coordinator. She will explain the program and answer any questions. She will cover information such as supplies and cost (all covered by TARA'S HOUSE), emergency care, spay/neutering, current resident pets, home environment, and vetting and marketing support for the dog.
Reference Check
Tara’s House is committed to ensuring the dogs are well cared for and will check with potential fosters’ vet and references before approving you as a TARA'S HOUSE foster.
Tara’s House is committed to ensuring the dogs are well cared for and will check with potential fosters’ vet and references before approving you as a TARA'S HOUSE foster.
Be Matched with a Dog in Need of Fostering
Once approved, fosters will be matched to a dog that’s right for you and arrangements made to meet and pick up (can be done same day, or over more than one if desired.) You will never be asked to take a dog that you’re not comfortable with. TARA'S HOUSE is always available to answer fosters’ questions or respond to emergencies. We also ask that fosters provide at least weekly updates on their dogs. Fosters will be provided all the tools and support they need to have a successful and fulfilling foster relationship with your dog.
Have Any Questions?
It's ok if you are not ready to fill out a foster application. We are happy to answer any questions about our rescue organization and the dogs we currently need foster homes for. Send us a quick note below and someone from our rescue will be in touch shortly! You can also visit our Fostering FAQs Page for more information about fostering.